Marinade for a Happy Life

Alicia Mersy, Your Ability to Touch is Limitless, Larrie;
Fall Risk Volume 5: Dress to perform success in lush knit wavy plaid top & pant


Alicia Mersy in aura enhancing dialogue with a look by Fall Risk

Alicia Mersy creates a space to relax and heal your inner technologies

Level up my intuition playing Alicia Mersy interactive video wearing Fall Risk

Effervescent juices flow from the base of Alicia Mersy’s latest formation at Larrie NYC. An imaginary waterfall cascades from the roofline, as you cross the threshold and enter the installation cleansed. Once within, a whoosh of unshakable calm greets you. The title of the exhibition is an invocation, Your Ability to Touch is Limitless.


Political, radical and mystical, through decolonial aesthetics Mersy creates spiritual vessels to establish that human dignity is embedded in different forms of identity and identification. Her new media magical tincture brings majesty to the embodied daily life experience of marginalized communities that exist within the matrix of contemporary society. By connecting the spirit to the senses, she portrays the magnificent diversity of human creative potential and its different traditions.


The sky is clear except for two marabou clouds, synchronicity offers keyholes as to where the eye should focus, soothe, fortify, uplift. Radiant in, I Fall Risk for the new line of a dear friend whose aura tracks on create your own path. Pouring a gravy grid of connectivity on this art of hearts, human vulnerability is empowered and ever present. With these two, the virtual world has depth like the sea. Put it on and let it go, commit to spiritual workflow, only people who are willing to grow, buy a carpet from the sun, in the words of the artist, “you are ready to spread your shine.”

Alicia Mersy, Your Ability to Touch is Limitless, Larrie;
Fall Risk Volume 5 lush knit wavy plaid top & nouveau vintage pant, Miu Miu cherry red patent leather mule, DIY marabou feather barrette


Hair & Makeup by Tomomi Sano, Photographs by Logan Jackson